Discover The 3 Fastest And Easiest Ways To Buying Properties Even During THE CURRENT MARKET SITUATION USING A Little-Known Strategy Used Only By The Top 1% Of People Who Are Serious About Real Estate Investing
JuLY 25th @ 8:00 PM EST
Discover The 3 Fastest And Easiest Ways To Buying Properties Even During THE CURRENT MARKET SITUATION USING A Little-Known Strategy Used Only By The Top 1% Of People Who Are Serious About Real Estate Investing
JuLY 25th @ 8:00 PM EST
In this free and live webinar, we’ll share:
  • The little-known ways to buy properties with other people's money while literally taking the tools we provide and following a blueprint
  • How to work smarter not harder as a serious real estate investor and live the life as desired
  • Why common advice like “saving up for the 20% down” doesn’t work long-term and what to do instead
  • ​And much, much more!
This FREE Training Is Limited, So Register NOW!

1. How to approach the owners so they can't wait to give you their money!

Our biggest strategy is using what's called owner financing.  We negotiate with the owner for them to hold a second mortgage and leverage the equity they have in the property.

2. How to put the owner’s mind at ease and make them feel confident in you. 

I can tell you... this is not an easy feat sometimes. The owners might not trust you and they just want their money... that's why they are selling in the first place right? We are going to show you how to put the owners mind at ease and make it a simple process. 

3. How to show that you are serious and ready to purchase the property. 

Demonstrating and showing you are serious is going to ensure the owner will trust you! Without the confidence and showing how serious you are, you will never get the deal. 

4. The mistakes we’ve made and how you can avoid them.

They say it is best to learn from your mistakes... well that is exactly what we have done and you don't need to learn from yours! We will show you what didn't work when we started and how you can avoid that. 

5. What worked and the steps we took to make it work for you too!

Obviously we can't just show you what didn't work... we have to show you the REAL SECRET SAUCE of what worked! We will show you exactly what we did to make all of this come together and how it made us millionaires!

6. How we ensure to pay them back so they keep giving you more money!

Of course you have to pay them back what did you think this is?! We're kidding but really, we are going to show you how to pay them back in full, so you win, they win and they want to keep investing in you! 
In this free and live webinar we’ll share:
  • The little-known ways to buy properties with no money down while literally taking the tools we provide and following a blueprint
  • How to work smarter not harder as a serious real estate investor and live the life as desired
  • Why common advice like “saving up for the 20% down” doesn’t work long-term and what to do instead
  • ​And much, much more!
This FREE Training Is Limited, So Register NOW!

1. How to approach the owners so they can't wait to give you their money!

Our biggest strategy is using what's called owner financing.  We negotiate with the owner for them to hold a second mortgage and leverage the equity they have in the property.

2. How to put the owner’s mind at ease and make them feel confident in you. 

I can tell you... this is not an easy feat sometimes. The owners might not trust you and they just want their money... that's why they are selling in the first place right? We are going to show you how to put the owners mind at ease and make it a simple process. 

3. How to show that you are serious and ready to purchase the property. 

Demonstrating and showing you are serious is going to ensure the owner will trust you! Without the confidence and showing how serious you are, you will never get the deal. 

4. The mistakes we’ve made and how you can avoid them.

They say it is best to learn from your mistakes... well that is exactly what we have done and you don't need to learn from yours! We will show you what didn't work when we started and how you can avoid that. 

5. What worked and the steps we took to make it work for you too!

Obviously we can't just show you what didn't work... we have to show you the REAL SECRET SAUCE of what worked! We will show you exactly what we did to make all of this come together and how it made us millionaires!

6. How we ensure to pay them back so they keep giving you more money!

Of course you have to pay them back what did you think this is?! We're kidding but really, we are going to show you how to pay them back in full, so you win, they win and they want to keep investing in you! 
Investor Mel and Dave
- The Action Family™ -
We are professional real estate investors and solely purchased over 264 units in 5 different countries: Canada, the US, Costa Rica, Mexico and Dominican Republic. We specialize in teaching you how to buy properties using none of your own money and without joint venture partners so you can keep 100% of the cashflow, appreciation, equity, and create true generational wealth. 

”Happy Closing Day, Action Family!! This duplex was a happy surprise that crossed my desk that we picked up with 100% OPM. It has 2 massive units that we can lift and increase the value of. Honestly, we could not have done it without the network we have built the in the Action Family & the confidence the group has given us to source OPM. This is property #4 in the US for us & we are so excited for more!".

Jennifer H. - Action Taker
Investor Mel and Dave
- The Action Family™ -
We are professional real estate investors and solely purchased over 264 units in 5 different countries: Canada, the US, Costa Rica, Mexico and Dominican Republic. We specialize in teaching you how to buy properties using none of your own money and without joint venture partners so you can keep 100% of the cashflow, appreciation, equity, and create true generational wealth. 

”Happy Closing Day, Action Family!! This duplex was a happy surprise that crossed my desk that we picked up with 100% OPM. It has 2 massive units that we can lift and increase the value of. Honestly, we could not have done it without the network we have built the in the Action Family & the confidence the group has given us to source OPM. This is property #4 in the US for us & we are so excited for more!".

Jennifer H. - Action Taker
Investor Mel & Dave | Copyright ©2024 | All Rights Reserved
Investor Mel & Dave and Mel and Dave Dupuis are not a part of or Facebook Inc. Additionally, are not endorsed by Facebook, Inc. in any way. Facebook is a trademark of Facebook, Inc. 

Disclaimer: Sales figures and campaign results listed above or in my marketing material are not typical and are the result of years of training, experimenting and learning from mistakes. These figures and results are used specifically as examples. Your results will vary depending on a wide variety of variables and factors.